Trim tabs 升降舵配平片 : 有 獨立的控制裝置 Balance tabs 平衡片 : 沒有獨立的控制裝置 Antiservo tabs 反作用平衡片 : 沒有獨立的控制裝置 Ground adjustable tabs 地面調整平衡片 : 在 地面 調整 Trim tabs 做動方向跟elevator相反,利用一個較小的反向作用力來達成固定控制面的目的,用來減輕駕駛的負擔 例如:在nose up 時, elevator向上 把tail往下壓。這時候 trim tab反而朝下 ,產生一個向上的力,把elevator固定在朝上的位置 詳情請看參考資料的動畫 Balance tabs 做動方向跟trim tab相同,但是 直接跟操縱桿連動。 可以減輕高速時操作所需的力道 Antiservo tabs 做動方向跟trim tab相反。 用來避免飛行員過度操作( over-control ),造成機體負擔 Ground adjustable tabs 在垂直尾翼上,用來抵抗螺旋槳滑流(slip stream)打到尾翼所造成的偏航 圖片請參考連結的網站 Reference: How The 4 Types Of Trim Tabs Work ...
Taxi Fuel Taxi fuel is the fuel used prior to takeoff and will normally include pre-start APU consumption, engine start and taxi fuel. 滑行到跑道+APU+引擎啟動所需要的油 如果需要除冰的話這段時間所耗的油也要列入考慮 Trip Fuel The Trip fuel is the required fuel quantity from brake release on takeoff at the departure aerodrome to the landing touchdown at the destination aerodrome. 從跑道起飛到目的地降落所需要的油 Contingency Fuel Contingency fuel is carried to account for additional enroute fuel consumption caused by wind, routing changes. The recommended minimum contingency fuel is the greater of 5% of the trip fuel or 5 minutes holding consumption at 1500' above destination airfield elevation computed based on calculated arrival weight. 5%Trip Fuel,因為可能會受到風的影響,或是航管要求改變路線 Alternate Fuel Alternate fuel is the amount of fuel required from the missed approach point at the destination aerodrome until landing at the alternate aerodrome. 在目的地機場降落失敗前往備降場降落所需要的油 Final Reserve Fuel Final reserve fuel is the minimum fuel required to fly for ...